Viola G.
I care about my grand mom.
I care about her more than anything in this world. She means the world and all the stars in the night sky to me. Point blank period.
If I actually sit down and think about it, I probably wouldn't be where I'm at right now. I probably wouldn't be in school, live in this neighborhood, have the things that I have.
I probably wouldn't even be alive. So I thank her for everything.
I thank her for each and everything she's done for me. Whatever she does for me, weather it may be small or big, it affects me in so many ways.
Whenever she smiles, I smile. Whenever she's upset, so am I.
Viola is a part of who i am, without her i'd be a lost cause. I would be a lost soul.
I would be a lost everything. If it wasn't for her , I wouldn't even be sitting here writing this, writing about what I care about. All I care about is her. Viola Elizabeth Geiger.